Saturday, August 20, 2011

I never...

I never…
By :Mark Patrick Metante

I never imagined that I would be a shining star
I never thought that I would even make it this far
Once was dream, now a dream come true
Now I am singing, singing this song for you

I used to sing alone in a grassy field
Singing to the world with a song that I built
And with my voice, resonating words acting as a shield
A melody that heals a contemplating guilt    
The picture depicts Mark when he was still a kid he used to dream big and imagine it was happening..♪♪♪
But I never knew that my voice is the key
For I always thought that I was never meant to be
Like the stars that shines so brightly, endlessly
Cause I never thought that this would be my destiny

But reaching here was full of hardships and tears
I had to push myself forward and persevere
And due to my status, horrid words is all that I hear
Perseverance is the key for why I am here

Step by step, as I ascended to my dream
I never gave up, I never lost my gleam
I am like a fall that flows, heading upstream
Together with my voice, osculating a ceaseless beam

Finally I was able to reach this golden stage
Filled with dynamic lights unlike reality’s cage
Serenading a song that heals everyone’s rage
Ending this song with an alluring page

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